ROI Nice to have VS Need to Have

You can generate a robust report only completing the top four fields in the partner report data intake, however the more data in the better report out! Check out a list of nice to haves and must haves!

Must Haves: 

  1. Total Giving 
  2. Constituent Engagement 
  3. Social Value – Cost per outcome 
  4. Social Value – Percent of giving 
  5. Mission Advancement 


Nice to Have:

  1. Good Beyond Giving (Workforce Engagement)
  2. Brand Reputation (Consumer Data)
  3. Brand Reputation (Employee Data)
  4. Non-Profit Activation: Paid Media Impressions
  5. Non-Profit Activation: Owned Media Impressions
  6. Company Activation: Paid Media Impressions
  7. Company Activation: Owned Media Impressions
  8. Additional Social Media Impressions
  9. Bottom Line Impact – Sales Driven
  10. Bottom Line Impact – Saved in Mitigated Risks
  11. Additional Partnership Benefits
  12. Beneficiaries
  13. Scope of Impact/SDG
  14. SDG Targets/Indicators