What is it?
PayPal Giving Fund (PPGF) helps people support their favorite charities online. They receive
donations through PayPal, eBay, and other technology platforms and make grants to their
donors' recommended charities. PayPal Giving Fund is an IRS-registered 501(c)(3) public
charity (Federal Tax ID: 45-0931286).
PPGF connects charities to a large, growing, inclusive network of consumers and merchants
through their relationship with PayPal & their partners. PPGF makes it easy to support the
causes you care about. They deliver the funds received to the right charity at the right time in a
responsible and thoughtful way.
Supporters will have access to PayPal’s extensive user base, where there are more than
175,000 charities already enrolled in PayPal Giving Fund.
What are the benefits?
Charity benefits:
- Receive a discounted charity rate of 1.99% + $.49. Current Business Account rate is
2.89% + $.49. See difference in benefits
- Enrolled charities receive a monthly payment directly to their PayPal account
- They’ll be enrolled in all the partner giving programs
- Gain access to the PPGF dashboard, where they can:
○View donation payment details
○Obtain donor data (where shared)
- Data includes the donation date, payout date (if paid out), donor’s name
and email (if shared), partner and program where the donor made the
donations, PP transaction ID, reference data (if passed), and amount.
The reports can be downloaded as CSVs.
○Personalize their profile by adding a logo, mission statement and contact
How do I sign up?
Charities can enroll in up to 3 easy steps.
1.) To become automatically enrolled with PayPal Giving Fund, a charity needs to have a
PayPal business account. If they don’t have one, they can sign up
2.)Once the PayPal Business account has been created, the organization will need to log in
and confirm that the PayPal account belongs to their charity
3.)The charity will receive an email verifying that their charity status has been confirmed
with PayPal and to let them know if they have been automatically enrolled in PayPal
Giving Fund.
a.)The review can take up to 2 business days to complete. GiveWorx’s systems will
then update the next day following.
b.)Exception: Charity accounts domiciled in California will need to opt in and
complete the
PayPal Giving Fund enrollment form
after confirming their charity
accounts due to state regulatory requirements (steps 1 & 2 above). This can
take up to 5-7 business days.
Once enrolled, each charity will receive a welcome email and they will be able to benefit from all
the giving programs and campaigns powered by PayPal Giving Fund.
More information can be found here:
See some more information here.