1. Knowledge Base
  2. Corporate Customers

How can I donate to an organization?

Once the corporate user accepts the recommendations in Issues Mapping, the organizations will appear in the Giving module. 

Note: The Giving module maintains history so that any recommendations that were once accepted but then deleted will still appear listed in the Giving module.

While in the Giving module, as a corporate user, you can choose to Fund My Wallet, a function that redirects the user to the Uncommon Giving platform.  This is displayed in a separate browser to allow easy access back to the Accelerist platform. 

After funds have been accepted into the wallet, corporate users can disburse them by selecting which charitable organizations to donate to by clicking the Donate button for the organization. 

Again, the user will be redirected to the Uncommon Giving platform where they can then donate directly to their charitable organizations.  The Non-profit organization that the user has selected to Donate to will automatically display if the organization exists in the Uncommon Giving system.