Viewing Contacts

We provide contact information for decision makers in up to 3 areas for every company: Marketing, Human Resources and CSR/Philanthropy, as they are available.

These are pre-qualified individuals that we have mapped to be the best contact for you – not just a random marketing or HR person within the company. As you know, companies are of different shapes and sizes, with different infrastructure, so some of these contacts will come with different titles. You are able to click “See more” and view more than the 3 pre-qualified contacts if you are looking for another member of the company.


See the screenshot below


The contacts in the Accelerist database are built from a variety of public and private sources. We source contacts from public APIs and Artificial Intelligent engines that scour social networks and professional databases for real-time data. We also have humans that validate contact information and update the most relevant information based on Accelerist’s business relationships with various trade organizations, chambers of commerce and other professional resources.